Author: Cyril Richert

A planning application has been submitted in July for the redevelopment of the Prince’s Head pub located at 44-46 Falcon Road SW11 2LR (p.a. 2014/3881). The proposal is:
Demolition of existing building and erection of a five storey, plus basement, building to provide 25 residential units (4 x one bedroom, 20 x two bedroom, 1 x three bedroom) and two commercial units (Class A1/A2, 470sqm of floorspace) together with cycle storage and refuse stores.
While everyone welcomes the closure of the pub and the redevelopment of the area, although objection received raised concerns about the lack of provision for site parking. One of the comment says:
“The previous planning application had a condition attached to it that residents of the new development would not be entitled to apply for resident parking permits. Does this condition still form part of this revised application? The developers may wish to revisit the possibility of providing underground parking at the development.”
Comments received on the Council website ask for confirmation that new residents would not be eligible to apply for resident parking permits in the nearby Kambala Estate.
Another comment questioned the need of more retail for the area, saying:
“why the ground floor is proposed as retail when so many empty units have been vacant for a considerable period within a five minute walk of the development”
The Battersea Society sent a very detailed objection raising concerns on:
- Lack of off-street parking
- Affordable Housing
- Dominance of the architecture (the visualisation the proposed building is substantially taller than neighbouring buildings and will be overly dominant in the streetscape)
- Viability of the Retail Frontage (risk of empty shop frontages at street level)
You can make online comment on the application on the Council Website HERE.
UPDATE: Planning application 2014/3881 was approved by the committee on 16/12/2014
How much will the flats be…3 and 2 bedrooms. Yes and concerned about parking.
The application says: “– The current scheme proposes 25 flats, 490 sqm commercial floorspace, in 2013 – 19 flats were proposed with 375sqm of commercial floorspace
– The current scheme proposes 4 x 1 bedroom flats ( 51sq.m floorspace), 20 x 2 bedroom flats (61-70sqm floorspace) and 1 x 3 bedroom flat (76sqm)”
Regarding parking, the officer’s report says: “Transportation Officers have subsequently considered that there would be no material difference in the existing vehicle movements or indeed car parking demand on the adjoining roads. Moreover, the prospective residents of this development will be excluded from obtaining car parking permits under the relevant traffic management order in this area which would require modification.“
How much will the flats be?
Market price of the area, probably around £10,000 sqm or more…