Author: Cyril Richert
Planning Application 2014/0492 to erect a (temporary) large, externally illuminated advertising hoarding at Clapham Junction, outside of Wessex House (St John’s Hill), has been refused on March 31st. Decision was made by the planning department under delegation.
The reason given for refusal is:
“The proposed advertisement by reason of its size, height, and prominent location would be inappropriate and visually intrusive and be detrimental to the visual amenity of the streetscene, to the character and appearance of the Clapham Junction Conservation Area , and setting of two nearby listed buildings.
It has not be demonstrated that the significant harm from the temporary installation of this advertisement would be offset by longer-term benefits to the streetscene and Conservation Area by restoration works to the application building. The proposal is therefore contrary to Council policies DMS1, DMS2 and DMS8 and paragraphs 67 and 131 to 134 of the National Policy Framework.
[… This is] clearly contrary to our statutory policies and negotiation could not overcome the reasons for refusal.”
An objection was received from the Northcote ward Councillors saying that it was inappropriate in the Clapham Junction conservation area and town centre:
“Such a unit will seriously impact the visual amenity of the Clapham Junction town centre which is a designated conservation area with many notable features including the nearby Grade II listed buildings of the Falcon PH and the former Arding and Hobbs department store“.
The Battersea Society, Wandsworth Conservation Area Advisory Committee objected also on the same lines.
In addition 13 objections were received raising matters such as:
- The area is being smartened up to make a nicer area with the recent streetscape improvements and a large billboard would do nothing for the area.
- It would be out of keeping for the place.
- It would harm the streetscene.
- It would clash with the architecture of the neighbouring buildings.
- It would compromise highway safety.