A few weeks ago the developers unveiled the news proposal for Battersea Power Station redevelopment after a plan including a 250 meter skyscraper was scrapped.
According to the article in the Evening Standard:
“The latest proposal for the £4 billion project shows a glass roof curving over Giles Gilbert Scott’s Grade II listed building, with a series of medium-rise blocks on either side.
Crucially for fans of the structure, its famous chimneys are to be left intact. In the previous, rejected design, a huge eco-chimney and an accompanying dome were meant to contain a wind turbine for energy and provide heating for the office blocks, making it carbon-neutral.
The developers have now redesigned the scheme with Uruguayan architect Rafael Vinoly as part of a public consultation by Wandsworth Council on the regeneration of the Nine Elms area.
Rob Tincknell, managing director of developer Treasury Holdings, told the magazine Building Design: “The site will be transformed into the first large-scale, urban, carbon-neutral development in the UK. It will provide around 13,000 jobs and 3,500 homes and a new six-acre riverside park with direct access to Battersea Park.”
The scheme has also received a cautious welcome from Save Britain’s Heritage. Secretary William Palin said: “The positive thing is the space in front of the power station – that’s important. But the curved roof looks incongruous – the wonderful thing about the power station is the angularity of it. I don’t think it complements the building.”
The development also includes extending the Northern Line to the site by 2015 – the first privately funded extension of the Tube.”
It is interesting to remember the comments made by Rob Tincknell before last project was rejected: “it is either the go-ahead for the glass tower, or the power station may be doomed“. As I was writing back in February, apparently he has changed his mind and decided to compromise… and oh surprise, after all it was not impossible to make a project including medium-rise buildings, none of them exceeding the size of the chimneys of the Power station.
dude its not the developers who are at fault. its the damn residents n the mayor who wont let it happen…