The Council has now revealed the name of the development partner to help deliver the regeneration scheme they promote for the Winstanley and York Road area. In its Executive meeting on Monday 27th, decision was made to choose Taylor Wimpey as preferred bidder (with Lendlease as reserve bidder). Taylor Wimpey will now work with the Council through a Joint Venture (JV) arrangement for the £1bn redevelopment of the scheme, after a 13-month OJEU procurement procedure.
The original shortlist included: Balfour Beatty Infrastructure Investments & First Base, Berkeley Group, C&C Properties UK & Pinnacle Group, Lend Lease Europe Holdings, and Taylor Wimpey UK. Three companies (Balfour Beatty, Lendlease, Taylor Wimpey) were shortlisted in Summer 2016.
You can download the different presentations here:
2,000 new homes should be buildor refurbished, including:
- re-provision of 530 social rented homes,
- 100 new for affordable rent,
- 100 new shared ownership
- 300 private rented homes
- 970 new homes built for private sale
Phasing announced but still no consideration of Crossrail 2 impacts
So far the different phases could be:
- 2019-2020: Holcroft, Scholey buildings
- 2020: Grant Road and Bramlands
- 2021: Leisure centre and buildings along York road
- 2022-2023: Winstanley estate developments
- 2023-2024: York Road estate developments
As we reported previously, the phase 2 planned for Bramland does not consider the issue caused by the safeguarded zone between Grant Road and Falcon Bridge, where Crossrail 2 intends to build one of their station entrances, and part of the Clapham junction station redevelopment. In February 2015 the Council wrote to Crossrail: “The Council is concerned that once the safeguarding is issued, TfL would not allow these proposed developments to proceed.” On March 24th 2015, the government updated plans to protect the proposed route for Crossrail 2 from conflicting development and the full area between Falcon Road and the Grant Road station entrance is still protected, which is preventing developments.
And of course, no consideration to the concerns raised several time of having very tall building at the corner of Falcon Bridge.
Start of the work and decanting
Wandsworth Council has identified a series of sites to be used for decanting from the York Gardens estate: Gideon Road, Tyneham Close and Lavender Hill ‘satellite’ sites. The Planning Applications Committee meeting on 17th January approved three applications for the development of council housing on the Gideon Road estate in Shaftesbury and Tyneham Close:
- Construction of 4 flats on a site currently used for parking and storage on Gideon Road, with all parking spaces reprovided through a more efficient rearrangement of the land.
- 18 homes, a mix of flats and houses, will be built on another Gideon Road site, which is also used currently for parking and storage, with all parking spaces reprovided through better land use, and 10 existing trees replaced with 34 plus additional hedges and landscaping.
- A further 8 flats are to be built at sites on two corners of Tyneham Close and Shirley Grove, on the Tyneham Close Estate (see image above).
It is expected that the first residents to be rehoused at identified ‘satellite’ sites will move from 2018/19.
The regeneration of the Winstanley and York Road estates involves the refurbishment of two blocks: Inkster House and Penge House. The two buildings will be extensively refurbished as part of the regeneration of the Winstanley and York Road estates, with works expected to start sometime during the second part of 2017. Pennethorne House is meant to follow later in 2018.
Architects and surveyors from Brodie Plant Goddard (BPG) have been appointed to carry out structural studies of the blocks to explore how the plans, as discussed and developed with the residents of the blocks, can be delivered.
It is expected that residents of the blocks will remain in their homes while the refurbishment takes place. A dedicated Resident Liaison Officer, the consultant and the project manager will work with residents to plan the programme of works and to minimise disruption.