Whilst we were told by WBC that the SSAD would be a plan that would take years to become a building reality, 4 of the 6 sites identified in the Putney Town Centre South are in full application/implementation stages. These sites are all terribly close to one another and some applications are being lodged at the same time.
Tote House
The application for the erection of part 4, part 8 and part 11 storey hotel containing 140 rooms, and associated restaurant and bar,has been withdrawn by the applicant.
It is believed that the owner is planning to implement a previously approved scheme for the “Erection of a fourth floor infill extension and construction of a new fifth floor and use of the ground and first floors as offices, and the change of use of the upper floors to provide 14 flats with 14 off-street parking spaces at the rear” (LBW ref:2007/6359).
Putney Place (site opposite East Putney tube station) 84-88 Upper Richmond Road
For info, this site is part of the SSAD and on the original version the maximum height was showing as 12 storeys.
3 buildings ranging in height from 15-storeys (up to 53m), 6-12 storeys (up to 45m) and 8-10 storeys (up to 38m) mixed-use scheme comprising: 197 residential units; 2734sq.m offices (class B1a); 1216 sq.m flexible retail/financial and professional services/restaurant/café/offices/non-residential institutions/assembly and leisure (A1/A2/A3/B1a/D1/D2); 134 basement car parking spaces; 3 car club spaces at ground floor; 236 cycle parking spaces ( LBW ref 2010/5483). This application involves 1450 pages of documentation !!!!!
This proposal seeks to replace the existing 2 buildings (one 6 storeys high and and one 7 to 9 storeys, 7600sqm offices).
This is the site where a previous application by Oracle for one 26 storey and one 21storey buildings for mixed use was refused by WBC.
The current developers of the site have consulted with residents, amenities groups and held a number of public exhibitions. They made a number of alterations to the scheme as a result but not on the height of the building.
Capsticks site ( site immediately to the west of East Putney station). 77-83 Upper Richmond Road
As the address suggests, it is only yards from the above proposal.
This site in the first SSAD was showing maximum height of 15 storeys.
It is one of the sites where the town centre boundary was extended by WBC to incorporate previously residential space in a residential road.
The proposal is for 3 blocks 12-13 storeys high (up to 41m), 4-9 storeys (up to 29m) and 1-2 storeys (up to 5.5m) to provide 104 residential units, office accommodation, retail, cafe/restaurant uses, together with a new public piazza, vehicular access, and basement car and cycle parking. This would replace one 8 storey building and one 4 storey building and a large car park that comprises 1/3 of the site.
The site is being developed by St James and there has been a good level of consultation with the neighbours and amenities groups.
Some alterations have been made to the proposal including the reduction of height from 15 to 13 storeys.( LBW ref 2011/0054).
Tileman House: 131 Upper Richmond Road ( near Putney High Street and Putney Rail Station).
This application is due to be put to the Planning Applications Committee in February we believe.
This site was identified also in the first SSAD for a maximum 12 storeys. A 7 storey building mixed use stands on the site.
A 15 storey proposal was declined by WBC and again on appeal. The applicant returned with the same scheme with reduced heights down to 12 storeys at its tallest .No consultation with residents or amenities groups by the developer.
Read about the previous plan here: Tileman scheme rejected: too high