>> Your chance to contribute: tell us what your think on Clapham Junction station redevelopment
Author: Julia Matcham
The application for redevelopment of the site called “HiQ Tyreservices” (76 – 80 Chatham Road SW11, off Northcote Road) involving demolition of existing commercial building to provide a shop, 5 houses and 3 flats , with roof terraces and 6 off-street parking spaces, was refused by the Council at the beginning of the year.
The owner of the garage is appealing the Council’s refusal for Planning Permission for development 2009/4484. (8 ‘units’ and a shop)
The appeal is to the Secretary of State.
All the details can be lifted from my letter attached which I have sent to the Sec. of State.
If you write you must send 3 copies, and remember to copy the reference:
The Planning Inspectorate
3/14 Eagle Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol BSI 6PN
Ref. APP/H5960/A/10/2129808/NWF
Letters to be received by 19th July.
New application for 4 houses + gardens
Somewhat surprisingly, at the same time the owner has put in a new application 2010/2333 for the same space for 4 houses with gardens (how amazing!) which I think is much more acceptable.
You may care to write about that too. My letter to the Council about this is also attached and gives access to details.
Carolyn Southall
The Planning Service
Wandsworth Council
The Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
London SW18 2PU