
Tall buildings in Clapham Junction

1 min read

Author: Cyril Richert
The Planning and Transportation Overview and Scrutiny Committee (in charge of Planning policy – as bizarre as it sounds, the Planning Application Committee is only in charge of the applications, not of the policy determining the applications!) was presented a report by the Borough Planner with minor amendments to the proposed Local Development Framework policies in respect to affordable housing and Tall Buildings, especially in Clapham Junction area.
The report details the final changes to the affordable housing and tall buildings policies, which have been forwarded to the Inspector (as part of the review of Wandsworth’s LDF).
The report states (page 4):

13. The wording of Policy IS3 d. has been amended to read: –
Policy IS3 d. (Tall buildings)
“Tall buildings, that is those which significantly exceed the prevailing height of surrounding buildings, may be appropriate in locations which are well served by public transport, such as the town centres and Nine Elms near Vauxhall, or at other defined focal points of activity, providing they can justify themselves in terms of the benefits they may
bring for regeneration, townscape and public realm and their effect on the existing historic environment. Tall buildings are likely to be inappropriate in other areas. Detailed criteria for the assessment of tall buildings and consideration of the appropriateness of tall buildings on individual sites will be contained in the Development Management Policies Document and Site Specific Allocations Document.
14. The wording of Policy PL13 e. (part of Clapham Junction and the adjoining area) has been amended to remove the reference to tall buildings in a specific area. This policy now reads: –
The area around Falcon Lane should be restructured to secure an extension to the town centre in a compact and sustainable form consistent with the distinctiveness of Clapham Junction. This should take the form of a mixed-use development with good quality streets. Additional new housing can be provided in higher density mixed use redevelopment of low density retail facilities on the north side of the town centre on or close to Lavender Hill, to include enhanced retail provision where appropriate.

On step in the right direction, but there is still no clear guidelines given to developers to where tall building could or could not be acceptable.

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