CJAG > Tools > Planning Application Comment Generator

Planning Application Comment Generator

This tool will help you write a letter to comment on a planning application, using the proper jargon expected by planners.

Commenting on planning applications is time consuming and very frustrating, not least because most of the time your comments will be completely ignored. For example, for a planning application to build two 42-storey skyscrapers on top of Clapham Junction Station, the planning officers rejected most of the objections received, saying that "Many of the objections to the design do not give any specific reason as to why they do not like the tall buildings; just that they do not like the tall buildings and this is not a suitable location for them". In a nutshell, those comments were lacking proper planning jargon and the planning officers did not like that!

In addition, as we saw in so many occasions in the past, local residents are dismissed compared to the interest of developers (Wandsworth Council is currently piling up on the cash received from property developers!). It was clearly expressed by the chair of the Planning Application Committee who once said: "It would not be fair to punish the developer because residents had previously enjoyed certain levels of space and light".

Therefore we are providing a tool to help you shape your objection both quickly and efficiently (i.e. with the necessary planning jargon that will make most impact on the planning report).

How to use the Planning Application Comment Generator

  • Complete the fields in the form below: Application Number, Site location/address
  • Select all the proposed sentences that you would like to use in your letter.
  • You can limit the number of suggestion per category

Then, hit the PROCESS button to generate your letter and browse down to visualise the result.

We then strongly encourage you to review and refine the final letter with your additional comments. Copy the letter sample and rephrase some of the ideas to reflect more accurately the situation of the application you comment on: in a nutshell, use this framework to easily personalise you own letter!

Just try it now and create your objection with strong planning jargon and structured comments!

Comment Generator

Set above how many suggestions you would like to display for each section:

Principle of development

Scale and massing

Design/Street scene

Listed buildings and Conservation Areas

Public realm


Neighbour amenity

Affordable housing

Construction phase

Impact on infrastructure


NB: All letters generated are using extracts from existing consultation comments compiled by officers between 2011 and 2017 (references to all quotes are kept in our database).

Additional help

There are a number of people and body that you may contact to help you with your comment/campaign.